There is something for everyone in our Christmas programme this year. We would love it if you would come and celebrate the good news of Christmas with us! Contact our Church Office for more details about any of the events below.
Live Nativity
Saturday 2 Dec, 3pm Walk the Christmas story, beginning and ending at church. Join us as we find the different Christmas characters and sing some carols on a walk around our area!
All Age Interactive Nativity Service
Sunday 3 Dec, 10:30am Come and help us tell the Christmas story in church. Fun for all the family! Bring your own Christmas story character costume, or borrow one of ours.
Mothers’ Union Christmas Singalong
Saturday 9 Dec, 6:30pm Christmas songs with seasonal refreshments. All are welcome!
Christmas Wreath-making Craft Evening
Tuesday 12 Dec, 7pm Create your own Christmas decorations in the church hall all together.
Carols by Candlelight
Sunday 17 Dec, 6:30pm Our traditional Carol Service by the light of candles. Familiar Christmas carols, interspersed with Bible readings telling the classic Christmas story.
Christmas Messy Church
Monday 18 Dec, 3:30pm Full of family fun, with activities, crafts, songs, food, and all about the birth of Jesus! Contact Kathryn for more details.
Countdown to Christmas!
Advent Prayer Services
A series of short reflective Advent-themed prayer service with carols and a short talk. Seasonal refreshments served afterwards. The evening service is a repeat of the lunchtime service.
11:30am & 7pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (19th-21st Dec)
Family Story-time & Activities
Follow the Christmas story together in this series of family story-times throughout the week, with an activity on the same theme each day!
3:30pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (19, 21 & 22 Dec)
Christingle Services
Sunday 24 Dec, 3pm & 5pm Our Christmas Eve special. Come and make your own Christingles to help you remember and tell the Christmas story! Great fun for children from 2 to 102 years old.
Midnight Communion
Sunday 24 Dec, 11:30pm Holy Communion at midnight. Bring in Christmas Day together!
Christmas Day!
Monday 25 Dec, 10:30am All Age Christmas Service. Celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the World, and the King of Kings!